

Sponsored Spaces is a product discovery platform. We partner with advertisers and brands to help real people discover products and brands they love every day.

Sponsored Spaces helps advertisers boost brand awareness and acquire new customers by inserting their samples and coupons in the order fulfillment shipments of other direct-to-consumer brands. Direct to consumer brands create an incremental revenue source by placing third-party inserts in their outgoing order fulfillment packages.

What We Do?

We've created a marketplace where brands drive incremental revenue with third-party advertising inserts from their direct to consumer shipments and advertisers can find new customers, drive loyalty and target customers based on shopping preferences.

How It Works?

So here are three working steps why our valued customers choose us.


Sponsored Spaces drives sales by connecting brands to consumers where they live. Apartment advertising offers brands a captive audience, with no marketing clutter, consumers with disposable income, and a built-in social network to magnify word of mouth marketing


Get Maximum Returns On Your Marketing Dollars

Build smarter advertising and sampling programs that reach highly targeted consumers at every stage of the buying journey.

Sponsored Spaces helps your brand reach more customers and reinforce your brands position in the market. We help multifamily operators offer more perks to their tenants, help them drive more loyalty, and give them the cash they need to grow.